Betsy Schroeder, BS

Betsy understands the importance of community and connection after growing up in Juneau County. She was raised in a large extended family which helps her appreciate the many joys and some of the challenges of rural life. She has served her community as a 911 Telecommunicator and a Child Support Specialist where she focused on building trust and rapport, ensuring honest communication and finding compassionate solutions for those in need.

She uses a holistic approach when mentoring to help individuals achieve goals that are important to them. She is compassionate, empathetic and experienced in using her active communication skills to help facilitate growth. She also has a passion for multicultural awareness and an eagerness for diversity of thought and opinion.

Betsy earned her Bachelors of Science degree from Purdue University. She is passionate about teaching others how to take care of their whole being; emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Her time working as a paralegal allowed her to break down complex situations and make them understandable, address specific needs of military personal and families and she had the privilege of working with individuals from many diverse backgrounds.

Betsy enjoys spending time with her family, traveling and hiking. She is trained in Reiki and enjoys learning more about metaphysical studies. She continues to work on self-improvement by acquiring knowledge as an avid reader, sharing experiences with others and honest exploration of self.

Betsy provides Comprehensive Community Services to Columbia and Sauk counties. Betsy is accepting new patients.